Sound effects supervisor Kim Jong Shil creates the only sound effect for the commercial of & # 39; Ara Cola & # 39 ;, a product of an Arab cola company. Aras Korean branch gives Jong Shil a & # 39; blank & # 39; Jong Shil accidentally locks himself in a call girl's apartment after drinking about success and alcohol. The lock is broken and locks him for the night in her apartment. Jong Shil's wife reports Her husband is missing and the investigation gets out of control when he's linked to the blank check. Soon he sees the news of his death on television. Finally, he decides to do something about the situation and goes to his own funeral.
- Native titles: 은 짧게 세번 길게
- Also known as: Sebeoneun Jjalbge Sebeoneun Gilge,
- Genres: theatre
- Song Jae HoKim Jong Shillead
- Jang Mi HeeMi Ahlead
- Choi Bool Am Support role
- Young Young Sook Support role
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