While Eun-Suk films his documentary on love, he watches Young-Hee on the monitor. Young-Hee's documentary that she works as a hairdresser assistant and is waiting for her boyfriend's release from the military. Instead, Young-Hee allows Eun-Suk to accompany her on her trip to see her boyfriend at a military base. while Eun-suk films Young-hee, he falls in love with her.
- Native Title: 인터뷰
- So Known As: Inteobyu
- Screenwriters & Directors: Byun Hyuk
- Genres: Romance, drama, melodrama
- Shim Eun HaYoung-HeeMain role
- Lee Jung JaeEun-SukMain role
- Choo Sang MiActressSupport role
- Kim Jin Goo[Street vendor]Support role
- Kwon Nam Heecustomer at beauty parlorSupport role
- Yang Eun YongEun-YongSupport role
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