Park Bok-Nyeo is a housekeeper shrouded in mystery who comes to work for a family — one father, 2 daughters, 2 sons — when their mother dies. Unsmiling and unexpressive, Bok-Nyeo guides the family into healing their wounds and rebuilding bonds.
- Native Title: 수상한 가정부
- Also Known As: Housemaid Park Bok-Nyeo , Gajeongbu Bag-Bog-Nyeo , 가정부 박복녀 , The Mystery Housemaid
- Screenwriters: Baek Woon Cheol
- Directors: Kim Hyung Shik
- Genres: Mystery, Drama, Family, Melodrama
- Choi Ji WooPark Bok NyeoMain Role
- Lee Sung JaeEun Sang ChulMain Role
- Kim So HyunEun Han GyulMain Role
- Wang Ji HyeYoon Song HwaMain Role
- Ra Mi RanYang Mi JaSupport Role
- Bang Eun HeeEo Jin's motherSupport Role
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