Synopsis Korean Movie Poison Frog

Synopsis Korean Movie Poison Frog
poison frog

On the way back to the base, Sergeant Jung and his team capture two South Korean soldiers trying to hide in passing. One of them claims to be on vacation, and the other has a North Korean rifle. Without really knowing their identity, the group continues their journey to the base.

  • Native titles: 독 개구리
  • Also known as: Dokagoori,
  • Genres: war
  • keywords: Korean War
  • Country: South Korea
  • type: Movie
  • Release date: 2012
  • duration: 31 min.
  • Result: 7.7 (rated by 3 users)
  • Rated: # 99999
  • Popularity: # 99999
  • Rating: Not yet rated

  • Poison Frog - Jo Jae Yun
    Jo Jae Yun lead
  • Poison frog - Kim Chul Moo
    Kim Chul Moo lead
  • Poison frog - Tae In Ho
    Tae In Ho lead
  • Venomous Frog - Jung Hee Tae
    Jung Hee Tae lead

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