A terrible date rape shocks the whole country. High-school girl Min-ah is being raped by a group of boys while her boyfriend is taking up the rape scene. The file is distributed online and is called "puppet video". Media raves like bees for this boulevard theme. Min-ah is not only the victim of a sexual crime, but also a violent persecution by the media.
The adult victim now lives as a Seo-rin, then a high school teacher they change everything. Nobody knows what she's been through in the past. She tries to move forward, but the similar case pursues her again. She receives suspicious pictures of her on the phone. The sender claims it is their "master" and she ought to obey him, otherwise she would experience the same nightmare she had before ... without. [KoreanFilm]
- Native titles: 나를 기억해
- Also known as: 마리오네트
- Genres: Thriller, mystery, crime
- Kim Hee wonOh Gook Cheollead
- Lee Yoo YoungHan Seo Rinlead
- Lee Hak JooKim Dong JinSupport role
- Oh ha noYang Se JeongSupport role
- Kang Seung WanDetective JangSupport role
- Kim Da MiYoo Min AhSupport role
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