Synopsis Korean Movie Return to Fatherland, Korea

Synopsis Korean Movie Return to Fatherland, Korea
Return to the motherland, Korea

A group of visitors come to their homeland, Jochongryeon Korean-Japanese, who return home in 30 years. Seon Young, bringing her father's ash box. Yun Ku, who was drafted into the army. His wife was headed by a secret order. Everyone feels their blood rising in their hearts. In particular, Seon Young regrets that she volunteered for the return ship north. Chang Ho meets his mother easily. The patriotic song of someone spreads around the world.

  • Native titles: 돌아온 팔도 강산
  • Also known as: Dolaon Paldogangsan, Doraon Paldogangsan
  • Genres: theatre
  • Country: South Korea
  • type: Movie
  • Release date: October 9, 1976
  • duration: 1 h 50 min.
  • Result: N / A (rated by 0 users)
  • Rated: # 99999
  • Popularity: # 99999
  • Rating: G - All age

  • Return to the Fatherland, Korea - Yoo Ji In
    Yoo Ji In lead

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