Synopsis Korean Movie Motel Cactus

Synopsis Korean Movie Motel Cactus
Motel Cactus

Motel Cactus presents four very different, intimate encounters located in Room 407 of a loving hotel in Seoul. Everyone represents the cycles of a relationship: starting, saying goodbye, longing, reuniting.

  • Native titles: 모텔 선인장
  • Also known as: Motel Seoninjang,
  • Writers: Young Bo Hoon
  • Genres: Romance, drama, melodrama
  • Country: South Korea
  • type: Movie
  • Release date: October 25, 1997
  • duration: 1 h 31 min.
  • Result: 6.5 (rated by 2 users)
  • Rated: # 99999
  • Popularity: # 99999
  • Rating: Not yet rated

  • Motel Cactus - Jung Woo Sung
    Jung Woo Sung
    Lee Min Goo
  • Motel Cactus - Lee Mi Yeon
    Lee Mi Yeon
    Min Hee Soo
  • Motel Cactus - Jin Hee Kyung
    Jin Hee Kyung
    Choi Hyeon Joo
  • Motel Cactus - Park Shin Yang
    Park Shin Yang
    Kim Seok Tae

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