Dong-Bin quits his job to open his own business. Jong-Ik has failed auditions more than 200 times. Dong-Bin partners with Jong-Ik to open their own restaurant called "Burger Boy". They hire part time employee Woo-Ri. The new owners are full of hope, but they encounter numerous difficulties: no customers, raising prices of meat patties, failure of their new menu and even the possibility of having their restaurant seized.
- Native Title: 코알라
- Also Known As:
- Genres: Food, Friendship, Life, Drama
- Park Young SeoWoo Dong-BinMain Role
- Song Yoo HaHong Jong-IkMain Role
- Park Jin JooHan Woo RiMain Role
- Park Keun RokGeun RokSupport Role
- Park Yong YeonScottSupport Role
- Ban So YoungEun-MiSupport Role
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