The film begins in 1987 with a murderer named Man Su, who turns his 5-year-old daughter Rosie into a job he must forcibly leave with a prostitute in the red-light district after being surprised by the police. During the ensuing fight, he stabbed a detective named Jang in the leg and disabled him. Ruined his own life, the bitter Jang decides to take revenge and wait until Man Su is behind bars, kidnapping Rosie and selling her in a brothel on a remote island. The drama jumps forward several years to find Rosie, who is now an adult and still working as a prostitute on the island to pay off her growing debts, to hate her father and to swear that she will kill him if she does ever meet. - James Mudge
- Native titles: 7 월 32
- Also known as:
- Genres: tragedy
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