Synopsis Korean Movie Wild Flowers

Synopsis Korean Movie Wild Flowers
Wild flowers

The lives of elusive girls are exposed to the threats of prostitution or violent situations in search of a place to stay like Eun-soo and Soo-hyang. You save Ha-dam another girl who is being abused by a man on the street. Together they search a motel for sleeping. "Uncle" and his buddy Tae-sung are waiting for them, locking up out of control girls to pimp them for prostitution. The three are locked up in her room, but manage to use Tae-sung's preference for Soo-hyang to escape. After settling in an abandoned house, they desperately seek a place to live together. The girls are full of hope as Eun-soo signs the lease for their new home, which is short-lived due to an unexpected incident.

  • Native titles: 들꽃
  • Also known as:
  • Genres: Life, youth, drama
  • Country: South Korea
  • type: Movie
  • Release date: November 5, 2015
  • duration: 1 h 54 min.
  • Result: N / A (rated by 0 users)
  • Rated: # 99999
  • Popularity: # 99999
  • Rating: Not yet rated

  • Wild Flowers - Kang Bong Sung
    Kang Bong Sung
    Tae Jong
  • Wild Flowers - Lee Paul
    Lee Paul lead
  • Wild Flowers - Kwon Eun Soo
    Kwon Eun Soo lead
  • Wild Flowers - Jung Ha Dam
    Jung Ha Dam
    Ha Dam
  • Wild Flowers - Jo Soo Hyang
    Jo Soo Hyang lead
  • Wild Flowers - Jo Hee Bong
    Jo Hee Bong Support role

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