L & # 39; Amour is the story of an elderly couple who experienced pain and agony. One of her three sons committed suicide, one emigrated and one ran away from home. The husband was once a two-star general with a promising future, but his decision not to take part in a coup would ultimately lead to his dishonorable dismissal and loss of his pension. When the two get older, they find one growing sense of warmth and security in the presence of the other. However, if one of their sons goes bankrupt, the house that they have mortgaged to support them will be taken over by the bank. Without a social safety net to catch them, the two are forced to split up: the husband goes to a men's retirement home while the woman ends up in a women's shelter across the city. This painful separation forces the couple to find new means of communication, whether through letters or meetings in public parks. During the month, the upcoming winter promises tough times.
- Native titles: 애
- Also known as: Ae, L & Amour
- Genres: theatre
- Won Nam GoongHong Jang Goonlead
- Kim Jung HaKim Sook HeeSupport role
- Kim Byung SeHyeon WooSupport role
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