Bae Gi Ro is a caring father, who has never committed a crime before. Nevertheless, Gi Ro decides to rob a bank to save his ill 9-year-old daughter. Things become much more complicated, when during the bank robbery, real bank robbers enter the bank.
- Native Title: 마을금고연쇄습격사건
- Also Known As: Maeulgeumgoyeonswaeseubgyeoksageon ,
- Genres: Comedy
- Lee Moon ShikBae Gi RoMain Role
- Baek Yoon ShikCaptain GuMain Role
- Kim Yoo JungBae Yeon HeeSupport Role
- Park Hyo JunMan SooSupport Role
- Woo HyunSection head OhSupport Role
- Kim Sang HoDelivery manSupport Role
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