Synopsis Korean Movie 1818

Synopsis Korean Movie 1818

The leader of a religious group dies under mysterious circumstances and an ancient book predicting future leaders is disappearing. Powerful people behind the national elections want to get hold of this book at all costs. Meanwhile, Dae Kyung uses his talent for profanity by setting up a telephone service to hear and scream profanity to relieve stress and dissatisfaction. Se In gets tired Lottery tickets for sale and works as a telephone operator for the new business of Dae Kyung. One organization supporting the next leader targets Dae Kyung and Se In to promote social dissatisfaction.

  • Native titles: 일팔 일팔
  • Also known as: Obscenity,
  • Genres: comedy
  • Country: South Korea
  • type: Movie
  • Release date: Nov. 22, 1997
  • duration: 1 h 48 min.
  • Result: N / A (rated by 0 users)
  • Rated: # 99999
  • Popularity: # 99999
  • Rating: Not yet rated

  • 1818 - Song Yoon Ah
    Song Yoon Ah
    Hong Se In
  • 1818 - Young Joon Ho
    Young Joon Ho
    Ma Dae Kyung
  • 1818 - Son Min Seok
    Son Min Seok Support role
  • 1818 - Kim Dong Soo
    Kim Dong Soo
    Support role
  • 1818 - Nam Myung Ryul
    Nam Myung Ryul
    Support role
  • 1818 - Seo Dong Soo
    Seo Dong Soo
    Support role

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