Woo-chul is a timid young man who has been unemployed for the past 3 years. He comes across a mineral spring in the neighborhood when he leaves his home to get away from this family's criticizing gazes. He finds a wooden sword there and plays around with it, trying out some moves that he had learned in a club in college.
- Native Title: 약수터 부르스
- Also Known As: Yak-soo-teo Boo-reu-seu
- Genres: Thriller
- Kim Tae InHwa SoonMain Role
- Bae Geon ShikWoo CheolMain Role
- Park YoungChairman KimSupport Role
- Kim Jin Yeop[High School Student]Support Role
- Jin GunTae KyungSupport Role
- Jo Kyun Hyung[High school student #1]Support Role
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