“Can a long-lost daughter find happiness when she is reunited with her parents after 20 years?” In a complicated twist, a young woman from a wealthy family goes missing and is raised by a foster mom instead of her own parents. Meanwhile, her wealthy family adopts a girl to overcome the loss of their daughter. The tensions that arise when the daughter finds her real family results in a journey of understanding and forgiveness.
(Source: MBC)
- Native Title: 왔다! 장보리
- Also Known As: Jang Bo Ri is Here , Jang Bori is Here
- Screenwriters: Kim Soon Ok
- Directors: Baek Ho Min
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Family, Melodrama
- Oh Yeon SeoJang Bo RiMain Role
- Kim Ji HoonLee Jae HwaMain Role
- Lee Yoo RiYeon Min JungMain Role
- Oh Chang SeokLee Jae HeeMain Role
- Sung HyukMoon Ji SangMain Role
- Han Seung YeonLee Ga EulSupport Role
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