Synopsis Korean Movie Six Terminators

Synopsis Korean Movie Six Terminators
Six Terminators

Bak Ji Un gathers the six hooligans spread throughout Manchuria to raise funds for the Korean independence fighters. Although they steal the gold bars from the Japanese army, they try to divide them for themselves. When they fight for the money, the Japanese army attacks them. After defeating the Japanese soldiers, they are all ashamed and donate all the gold bars the Korean independence fighters.

  • Native titles: 6 인의 난폭자
  • Also known as: Yuginui nanpogja, 6-inui Nanpokja
  • Genres: action
  • Country: South Korea
  • type: Movie
  • Release date: 1970
  • duration: 1 h 40 min.
  • Result: N / A (rated by 0 users)
  • Rated: # 99999
  • Popularity: # 99999
  • Rating: Not yet rated

  • Six Terminators - Nam Goong was won
    Won Nam Goong lead

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