Jung Il is released from jail after serving time for theft. After his release, his partner Yeong Shil eggs him on to steal again. But when he meets Ji Sook who suffers a disability from polio, he opens his eyes to love. But Yeong Shil keeps plotting to use Jung Il and Dong Jo. Jung Il rapes Ji Sook when she refuses to accept his love. Wracked with guilt, Jung Il tries to square his life away but Yeong Shil convinces him to pull one more robbery on the home of the mistress of a Korean-Japanese millionaire. After pulling the last job off, Jung Il returns to Ji Sook and vows to turn over a new leaf when she presents him with a bible.
- Native Title: 아들 나라
- Also Known As: Country of Sons , Adeulnala ,
- Genres: Crime, Drama
- Shin Hye Soo Main Role
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