Synopsis Korean Movie Hurrah for Freedom

Synopsis Korean Movie Hurrah for Freedom
Hurray for freedom

In August 1945, Japanese employee Nam Bu (Dok Eun Gi) reveals the name of independence activist Choi Han Jung, who puts him in jail. However, Choi escapes successfully and hides secretly in the home of Hye Ja (Hwang Ryeo Hui), who works as a nurse in a university hospital. As Han's underground organization prepares for an armed uprising, Park, who has a bomb, is caught by the Japanese military police.

  • Native titles: 자유 만세
  • Also known as: Viva freedom! , Jayumanse, Jayu Manse, Hurray! For freedom,
  • Genres: Military, historical
  • Country: South Korea
  • type: Movie
  • Release date: October 21, 1946
  • duration: 1 h 20 minutes.
  • Result: 5.0 (rated by 1 user)
  • Rated: # 99999
  • Popularity: # 99999
  • Rating: Not yet rated

  • Hurray for Freedom - Han Eun Jin
    Han Eun Jin Support role
  • Hurray for Freedom - Kim Seung Ho
    Kim Seung Ho
    Support role
  • Hurray for Freedom - Jeon Chang Geun
    Jeon Chang Geun
    Choi Han Jung
    Support role

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