Tae Gyu and Ji Hye get married. Two young lovers dreamed of the ideal married life, which respected each other. However, the honeymoon is over soon, as everyone realizes that the other is not what he thought. The liberal woman wants to talk about sex with openness and ease. The conservative man can not get rid of his traditional superiority. In the end, they hurt themselves and opt for a (limited) divorce. Once they are separated, they begin to feel empty without the other, and they realize that they must strive to understand each other.
- Native titles: 결혼 이야기
- Also known as: History of marriage,
- Genres: Comedy, romance
- Choi Min SooKim Tae Gyulead
- Shim Hye JinChoi Ji Hyelead
- Uhm Jung Hwa Support role
- Uhm Choon Bae[Friend 1]guest role
- Kim Ki Hyun unknown
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