Jang Young and Lee Dong Hee work in the same bank. They met secretly in the last 3 years, but recently decided to end their relationship. Her seemingly unpleasant separation becomes scandalous in the office. Young's colleague Son tells her that she will introduce her at dinner later in the evening with a good one. Dong Hee is also present at the bank staff meeting.
- Native titles: 연애 의 온도
- Also known as: Interview with her and her, temperature of romance, Yeonaeui Wondo, degree of love, temperature of love
- Genres: Comedy, romance, drama, melodrama
- Lee Min KiLee Dong Heelead
- Kim Min HeeJang Younglead
- Tae In Ho[Instructor]Support role
- Kim Kang HyunBank employee parkSupport role
- Park Byung EunDeputy Head of Department minSupport role
- Ha Yeon SooHyo SeonSupport role
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