Choi is a highly decorated homicide detective with an extraordinary final report. One evening, on the way home, his taxi driver stops in the middle of nowhere, pulling a knife and fighting in a bloody fight. When the driver dies at Choi, he fears that this incident could affect his career, and cleans up and flees. But Choi can not escape his act: the body of the driver is displayed the next day in front of the police station and he himself is assigned to the case. He realizes that he has fallen into a trap and now has to solve the mistakes of the past to find out why he was even targeted.
(Source: CJ Entertainment)
- Native titles: 악의 연대기
- Also known as: Akui Yeondaegi
- Genres: Thriller, detective, investigation
- Son Hyun JooDetective Choilead
- Choi DanielKim Jin Gyulead
- Park Seo JoonDetective Cha Dong Jaelead
- Ma Dong SeokDetective Ohlead
- Young won Joong[Police Chief]Support role
- Woo Jung Kook[Kim Jin Gyu's father]Support role
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