Wang's father is the king of Goryeo, while his mother is the daughter of the Yuan Emperor. He was born with many gifts, as he looks good, the wisdom of a serpent and a magnetic personality that draws people to him. Behind his gentle, virtuous demeanor, however, he has the ambition to conquer other countries. He has a loyal friend named Lin, who is a royal cousin and comrade with the same ambitions how he does it. Then, Wang Won has a meeting with a young woman named San. San was someone he remembered when he met as a child and has been in his head ever since. Wang Won sees how intelligent and confident San is, and befriends him as well. But this friendship is the germ of tragedy. San's beauty fascinates both Won and Lin and her seemingly strong bond begins to break in a woman ...
(Source: MBC America)
~~ From the novel of the same name by Kim Yi Ryung.
- Native titles: 왕 은 사랑한다
- Also known as: Wangeun Saranghanda, the king is in love, loves king, loves the king
- Writers: Song Ji Na
- directors: Kim Sang Hyub
- Genres: Historical, romance, drama, melodrama
- I am Shi WanWang wonlead
- I am Yoon AhEun Sanlead
- Hong Jong HyunWang Rinlead
- Park Hwan HeeWang DanSupport role
- Oh, Min SukSong InSupport role
- Jung Bo SeokKing Chung NyeolSupport role
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